How to make money in eso ps4

Posted: jurgennt Date of post: 17.06.2017

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Discussion How to make money in ESO? If you've stumbled across this threat while searching on google, make sure to read all the comments. Great people came here with great suggestions on how to make money in ESO. It's not about getting rich quickly or without effort, it's about learning the financial part of the game.

Also if you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments, but first check if what has been written can help you. There's things about stacking and guild merchants down there. How about we compile a few sure ways to make money in ESO, so that the weary adventurer doesn't have to look far for tips and tricks. I know there are plenty of guides out there, but I wish that we could focus on the current patch and see what good ways are there to bolster the economy.

Put all your aoes on a bar with one good heal, dragon blood, bol or vigor in case you need it proxy det and pull mobs in deshaan or reaper's march public Dungeon it's about k a hour once you get a good routine and the only one doing it. Actually just be templar with biting jabs you can pretty much solo anything. But yes those dungeons are good money makers. However note that after 40 min to an hour the gold dropped starts decreasing.

For the dungeons, trash mobs drop an okay amount of gold per group, as well as gear you can sell to a merchant. If you have a build with good aoe it's just a matter of going around in circles killing stuff. If you're in a zone with currently desired sets, you can sell those for some profit depending on drops.

As for delves, it's the same as above except chest spawns play a part in doing the rounds. If you do one delve long enough, you'll learn where each and every chest spawns, so the second you open one you can immediately find the next during your lap to the boss and back again.

This is also more profitable with that one perk in the champion skill tree, treasure hunter or something like that. There are also heavy sacks that constantly spawn all over the place. It might be a little boring, but it works. Obviously, this farming strategy is most effective in a location with not many people running around, unless you group with them. You can add skill points to increase this number, but there are diminishing returns past the first point.

The stongbox repeatable missions are the easiest as well as the fastest. If you see a mission that isn't the strongbox one, such as pickpocket or other, back out and click on the board again until you get it. Pretty much learn the market. Then mat farm till you have about k and play the markets after. This requires a good trading guild. For this, as much as I hate the guy, Blobsky's guide to working the market will come in handy. I forget where to find it. Alchemy items go for g each on PS4.

Refined stacks of crafting go for about 7 k, wax kuta and rosin about 7k, temp allows go for 14k. I sell all of that for 2k under market price just to unload it quick. I try to farm for 45 minutes and do my writs each day, just put a show on your laptop or some good music and zone out and get it done. Between that and what I get out of writs in terms of surveys and gold items, I can typically work k for an hour of work each night. I actually just cashed in two nights worth this morning and got lucky with my temps, made k for about 2 hours of farming.

I see "stacks" referred to a lot. Is a stack items? I've googled it, but have yet to find an answer. And a stack of columbine is It's varied by the demand of the item. You don't need columbine to make a good number of options. Stack strictly means the max amount of items that's can take only 1 inventory space.

It maybe a good quantity to trade, but you can most certainly add more columbine and have it still only take 1 inventory slot. It has NOTHING to do with demand of the item!

I think in terms of trade which is what I thought was being discussed. On that note about the shield, again in terms of trade you don't sell in a stack of , so I take average trader price per unit, lets use ingot and metal working instead because I know that price. Now I go to make someone a heavy chest piece. It uses ingot. I charge 3, gold not 6k. I didn't use the other 70 ingot, they are still a available for my next sale.

However you said " you need ruby ash to make a shield" to which i said it only takes aprox There was nothing mentioned about selling , just a false stament on mats required to make something. Yes ruby ash sells in groups of , that does not mean all are REQUIERED for an item. Yes the thread is about money. Not just trading ;. The kids question was simple, what is a stack in this game?

It is the max amount of item per slot. Nothing more, nothing less. Lets not give false quantities or definitions please. And botting isn't possible. You gotta hit them all in one go, because that gives a few weeks before they've found the next cheat. It's basically a constant arms race, all the time, every day, and there's only so many resources a company can devote to JUST punching bots.

I only use my traders for motifs or items. I sell my farmed materials in Deshaan or Craglorn zone chats. How would a new player know how much to ask for them?

Just sit there and read through chat for half an hour until I get the hang of it? Pretty much the only way on console. PC bastards have add ons for that sort of thing. But for us peasents you've gotta read chat, and guildies, and search traders to find the normal price for everything.

Uhm, for what it's worth I'm actually on PC lol but I'm not in any trading guilds, and I'm not really active enough to be in one: And if I join any smaller ones that keep spamming the zone chat, I feel like they'll just take advantage of people like me, buy cheap and then make a profit by selling to bigger better trading guilds.

I guess it's part of a charm in a system like this but still, kinda confusing and intimidating for a newbie trying to get into it.

I heard about the first one but had no idea about the second, I'll give it a try asap. Try this change in C: Locate SET LuaMemoryLimitMB "64" and set to , or depending on available RAM. I've not had it since doing this.

Be sure to make a backup copy of UserSettings. Yes that's about it. Just ask as many people or go to as many traders as possible. Then figure average price. Any mat below cp are normally 10 gold each refiened on Xbox.

Any max level mat is at least 30 refiened. Since one T came out all zones are mostly equal as far as farming mats. Abahs Landing and Gold Coast are great simply for the quantity of nodes and the small size of the zones, meaning very fast gathering.

However, both zones get saturated with players at peak hours and still have a lot of competition durinf off hours. Most other zones since 1T are good though. Ive had a lot of luck in Greenshade. If you dont have a good trader in a big city, not many people will see your listing anyway. You can just spam chat in popular cities like Mournhold, Wayrest, Belkarth, etc and you'll sell mats quickly and items eventually.

I make a lot of money stealing things and fencing them, especially with the related passives increasing the amount of fence interactions per day. Not a suggestion, but a question. When stealing treasure to sell to fences, does the quality of the treasure you find get better as you level? From what I've seen that quality of the drops appears to be related to your legerdemain skill tree level.

Initially I only found white items with the odd green. Now I get mostly green with occasional blue or white. I tend to leave the white items and just grab green and blue or destroy the whites when I get the pickpocketing. I have no idea if pickpocketing more difficult targets increases the chances of better drops.

Also remember you can pickpocket someone three times before they are empty and if they are too hard the last time just Blade of Woe them and loot the item. It's good to blade of woe them anyway after the third pick, when they respawn you can pick them again! Yea, I'm the same sometimes. My point really is just kill them so that way they'll respawn. This way folks will know that they've got nothing because they're not there or they'll have things.

I'd imagine they go over it a couple times. Reliable zones are Rawl'kha, Riften, Shornhelm and Mournhold. I found that not having to sort through your inventory manually is a really big time saver.

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I've found blue and green treasure very very infrequently at low levels but I'm finding more greens as I level up. Blue's still rare and I haven't seen a purple yet at rank IDK if there even is purple treasure. You can check it out here if you're on PC not sure how console eso works http: It's Sony, they don't like modding at all. They didn't allow very many mods for FO4 or Skyrim SE, only 1 gb worth, and they had to use only existing assets, nothing new could be added.

I used some of the Skyrim mods after finishing the game and they were OK, but nothing near as cool as some of the PC or even the Xbox stuff. I don't mind though, I kind of find mods distracting, and when they're on you can't get trophies.

Being a semi-completionist, trophies are more interesting to me than modding.

how to make money in eso ps4

Prices have tanked to about a third of what they were before ZOS introduced the alchemy bags, but I guess g per columbine is better than nothing, especially if you didn't know they sold for g two months ago: The columbine prices were part of an effort by a few players to hike prices.

I know that they've since let things slide on that front so the change in prices is probably a combination of the two factors. I highly doubt that. Columbine just used to spawn less frequently and is more useful then most reagentes, ie spider eggs.

I have no reason to exaggerate; I watched them buy up valuable plants and sell them on at higher prices. Alchemy bags get their alliance point cost increased allot next patch so that people can't make a quick profit for ap and tank the market. Also note the wrothgar event changed price too. However 1 was a limited time thing, the other getting patched, so alchemy reagents probably return to old prices before too long. When housing prices were announced, I just wanted to farm enough gold for a medium house.

Three weeks later and I'm sitting on 2. Apparently it's really easy to make money in this game. Yeah that's my experience too. I was making enough money previously to keep my motifs up to date but was always a but lazy about it. For the past 2 weeks I've made sure all my guild store slots are full and done more price research, and I've made 1.

It's surprisingly easy really. Create as many alts as you can be bothered.

You get 8 for free, 12 if you want to pay the crown for the extra 4 slots. If you can get your toon to level 10 visit Cyrodiil and do the tutorial quest, you'll get 3 easy skill points just doing that and nothing else.

Level up some crafting professions and put skill points into hirelings. You still need to log into each hireling toon once a day or twice a day as per above to actually get the email with the goodies. Not just log into them - they need to be logged out for 6 hours, and you need to open the mail before the 12 hour counter starts again.

So it time-creeps as it takes so long to log in an out of everyone and you might not be available at the time your 12 hour counter clicks over. I put so many points onto maxing out hirelings on all my alts but ZOS make it almost impossible to actually get what you paid for with those skill points: This guide requires you to have a trading guild, the Imperial City DLC and be high enough level to solo all of the mobs groups in IC like xivkyn and their dremora. I start my day running through all the stuff listed in this thread.

Farm a couple resource spots I've found, refine for mats, and then I just stockpile because the inevitable gear changes people will need to do will make them worth more after update. I finish out my writs, do a random daily dungeon for the experience and potential nice reward, then it's off to the imperial city. You won't make the maximum amount of money this way, but you'll get way more experience than farming Spinners in Mabal tor and probably more money too now that all the non sharpened equipment Is clogging up every guild store.

In the Imperial City pick a district that your faction controls, or if there are none controlled pick one that doesn't have a bunch of building and alleyways because those slow down how fast you can target and kill mobs.

Run around and just grind every mob you see. Gather telvar indefinitely unless you hold close to 10k then switch pvp servers or use a stone to head back to base and bank it. If you get ganked deposit every stone above into your bank and go right back out to farm. The goal is to get key fragments. I get about 60 every minutes depending on how bad the gankers are, just ignore them and keep farming. Pick a vault that gives you really any set but endurance. Make sure you sell all the junk you get off mobs everytime you run back to base to bank.

Hold onto runes and deconstruction them if you have high enough enchanting you can get repora out of them. Stockpile them or sell them you should spend all your telvar on repora too. I sell them stacks of 10 for close to 3k and they sell really quickly. In about an hour between telvar and decon I rake in about 50 repora. You also get a good amount of experience too. The trick to being successful in IC Is persistence and to completely ignore gankers.

If you get killed and get disheartened then you lose out on all that money. Play the market sell popular items like motifs, the most popular zone item set, or flipping items.

Sell anything in the market usually high volume stuff like alchemy ingredients, crafting materials, and recipes or just anything really. Steal getting the thieves guild quests and passives makes it less monotonous and more rewarding too.

Get in a good trading guild and sell sell sell. By good trading guild you need to find your way into the ones parked next to the wayshrines in cities where there are four or five trade guilds right next to each other. To find the trade leader or commanders who can invite you, research online for their in game names.

Do not mail them they hate that. To find the leaders of a guild you first need to find the guilds name by walking up to traders in cities and writing the names down.

Then searching the internet for any information you can find. Even outdated info might net a win. For PC there are some guilds who still have the original leaders playing daily since I help lead a guild that matches his description.

Also try searching the guilds weekly thread and the ESO guilds subreddit. Im in a PVE and a PVP Guild neither has trading and i often destroy purple gear very often.. I have all my sets atmo so i never look at half of it just sell to merchant for money. I sold to merchant some sharpened purple staffs the other day which i suspect may have been worth something.

The reason i ask are they worth joining is do they have loads of silly restrictions e. Some require taxes and minimum offline time of less than a week but others are more welcoming - The League has a threshold of a month offline and no minimum in sales, nor would we ask for donations.

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So i could join and just put up odd bits as i find them then which would work for me, i assume you have a trader so i can use master merchant? I installed it a while ago hoping it would tell me if i picked up something worthwhile but it needs a trader to work: No strings, no demands and we even have a voice server, website and we do events too. If you'd like to join message me ingame jasminachillibeana. On PC NA unfilled fish are about - g each.

It's pretty easy but a little more on the boring side. If you're lucky you'll get a perfect roe which can net you some great coin. You have to be very good at PVP and PVE.

One of the best ways I have found to make money is to perform actions for items very hard to attain because of either content or risk. This has changed from time to time based on patches or content but the current money maker is TV Farming. Like I said prior, you need to be good at PVP or PVE. Take a group no larger than four skilled players Two is best payout but higher risk and more than 4 greatly diminishes the amount received to IC.

Farm the world bosses.

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Have at least 1k multiplier on to start and begin in your alliance's zone. Perform the Loop and you'll have between K TV by the end. Prepare to defend those stones though Hence the Cheese Builds. I have been able to sell multiple Xiv Costumes in this patch for K a pop and grinding hard you can make the K stones in Days depending on conditions.

Like I said though there are several groups doing this and space is limited so you better be good at PVP or your just going to become frustrated. For Strict PVERs End Game , I can see the motifs from the Hist Dungeons selling for quite a bit. Your first statements is false!! You dont have to be good at PvPs or pve to make money.

Just pick up everything that is not nailed down, research its value and sell. Yes however your statement is not "you have to be good at PvPs or pve to use these method". It is simply "you have to be good at PvPs or pve", put in context with the post. No you do not have to be good to make money in this game. Does anyone think buying alchemy pouch worth the time?

I get 5k telvars in about 45 mins and pouches yield 3 of each for 5 mats. Good suggestions so far. I've also heard about fishing for perfect roe used to make expensive potions and farming resources for legendary ones, such as Kuta.

Don't know much about the perfect roe or fishing, so google is your friend. But gathering enchanting runestones may yield a rare drop that's worth quite a lot 3k-4k. Perfect Roe have a roughly 1 in chance of dropping from white non-trophy fish, and sell for roughly 10kk at present on NA PC. Given the time to actually catch white fish, since fishing spots can drop anything from 1 to 15 fish, and the next fishing spot may take time to find, it's a patient person's game.

If you're going for the fishing achievements and dyes anyway, or really love fishing, it can make some nice money on the side selling the trophy fish earns you a little too. Otherwise, there are faster and more reliable ways to make gold, like stealing.

Thanks for the tip. Even if fishing isn't to your taste, I've found bait sells pretty well on guild stores. Especially worms, since they're a drop rather than something you can really grind up unlike the others. Sounds like they may have buffed it. I hope you're right, because the more Roe, the better! Talking of data, are you using that addons which shows you how many Roe you've extracted per type of fish? I would highly suggest crafting a decent Armor Set in Prosperous trait and upgrade to Rare Purple Quality or if you are serious about generating more income then Gold Legendary Quality for an additional This will give you more incentive to complete the various Public Dungeons and Delves where multiple target enemies will spawn for better chances of racking up Gold through kills alone.

By doing this you can avoid the trap called stealing since being spotted while opening up a lockbox will add a bounty and some players will purposely attract attention to the guard while you are picking the lock.

In addition if you are confronted by a guard then your bounty will almost always exceed the profits from any items taken unless you have points invested for Fencing. Lastly if you wish to continue playing then you must pay for the bounty and thus you are actually losing profit!

Unrefined Materials and Daily Repeatable Quests for Motif Chapters are top tier for selling and making profits and take little to no time to accomplish. It also helps when you are constantly saving any Gold generated instead of using that Gold to upgrade Armor Sets. Finding Provision ingredients are plentiful no matter the location or content being played however I found that Imperial City Sewers is best for searching for an abundance of Provision ingredients.

Search all Nightstands, Wardrobes, Cabinets, Crates and Sacks for a chance to also be awarded rare Motif Books!! What platform you on? Your prices dont add up. Also newest motifs go for a lot more than 15k. Also dailies like images guild or wrothgar take no time???? Try running all three mages, fighters, and undaunted guild quest.

Not undaunted dungeons, but the other one where you just go in a delve, on 12 characters. You'll be playing for 9 to 10 hours at that point. Motif are not reliabe way to get gold. Sell them but dont COUNT on selling them. The difference between full purple Prosperous gear and full gold Prosperous gear is And the cost of upgrading from purple to gold can go up to K Gold depending on armor type and server Meaning you would have to kill roughly 32, packs just to break even in that case Only recipe that are worth 10k each is purple or above.

However I think you mean food, not recipe. I figure that by the stack of comment. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Request - Could anybody here please show me or point me towards armour sets for an exotic female desert style thief? ESO Morrowind Vvardenfell Skyshards guide including maps, location walkthrough, instructions on how to find every skyshard. My druid-ish Bosmer communing with Nature at the Isle Of Contemplation Auridon. Really all a templar needs to solo most stuff. Is there anywhere I can see this easily, like the wiki or similar?

Also a ruby ash shield take aprox wood, not ! Yes you can bundle various quantity of any item, however a bundle is not a stack. I wonder why the prices are so different. They have obvious way points and bind attacks. P And if I join any smaller ones that keep spamming the zone chat, I feel like they'll just take advantage of people like me, buy cheap and then make a profit by selling to bigger better trading guilds.

Do you have any solution for constant LUA memory limits warnings I'm getting now though? I pickpocket then stab. Especially with blade of woe max ledgerman and nights silence set. Happy looting internet friend. How to become rich and cool like me: Farm popular overland gear Farm mats.

Play the market sell popular items like motifs, the most popular zone item set, or flipping items you can find out which are the popular items and how much they go for by just going to a crowded zone like craglorn and ask or you can ask your trade guild Sell anything in the market usually high volume stuff like alchemy ingredients, crafting materials, and recipes or just anything really even if you don't have a good trade guild, there are those who post on crowded zone chat.

Atleast on console it's actually about 5th best area. And I have fun doing it. Also FYI while you can't kill guards, you can run. I have never once paid my bounty. Blue cp food sells at about 5k per 25 unit on xXbox. I sell mine at 18k for This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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